Monthly Archives: December 2007


Derek thought he could fly, he truly believed that if he was completely committed, both mentally to the act and physically to the action then he would be able to fly.  There could be no doubt.  Frequent failed attempts from trees and walls and lower storey windows had left Derek with bruises, sprains and the occasional broken bones.  These failures did not however discourage him from his self created destiny; to achieve naturally (mentally if not physically) propelled aviation.  While his actions may suggest otherwise Derek was not a stupid character, he was not merely a crazy person throwing himself from differing heights in the vain hope that some miracle would take place.  He was in fact acting under the calculated certainty of belief.  His failures thus far were merely demonstrations of a flaw in that belief, a flaw which he intended to fix so he could subsequently explore the dizzying heights which, for him: master of the skies, would know no bounds.

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