Chris Smith

mmmm – current writers block! I’ll come back to this…

2 responses to “Chris Smith

  1. ladyofspiders

    On Cows:

    Well here is what I can tell you of cows from what I know off the top of my head.

    I could look into that subject, I do know that they are held sacred and Holy in India, and in India, they are pretty much allowed to just roam where they please and often make a nusincene in the market place, because the people are not really alloud to drive them away or hurt them, also there was a few years ago a 7 hour rampage of a bull becasue they were forbiddn to to kill the animal and just had to let it run its course.

    Historicaly in varrious different cultures, the bull was a prized animal of sacrifce to the gods, it is also seen as a fertility symbol ot some, and in celtic tradition was held in reverance, in fact there is an old Celtic myth about two bulls.

  2. A piece of probably useless info on cows: they’re blamed for a large portion of methane pollution of the atmosphere (actually, termites are the worst polluters when it comes to methane), and it’s often said that this is caused by all their farting. Not true. They release methane through burping mostly.

    Also, in my country, the Netherlands, cows are a piece of nostalgia. Up until about 15 years ago, they were abundant as people drove or took a train in the countryside. For the past decade however, farmers have mainly been keeping them indoors. You hardly ever see them anymore.

    Sorry for this lame info.

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